I'm Heng Wang.

I'm a Full Stack Engineer.

I'm a Problem Solver.

I'm a Lifetime Learner.


Living in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

About Me

Know Me More

I'm Heng Wang, a Full Stack Engineer

I wrote my first line of code when I was 4. Now I have a bachelor's degree in Information Technology, a master's degree in Computer Engineering, and a vital code skill instructed by App Academy.

My tech stack includes JavaScript/Python, with Express.js/Flask backend, and React frontend.

I have one year of experience IT job in the technical coordination department. Also, I was trying to start a company developing an indie game. Our team finished the game concept design, and attempted some demos with Unity, until COVID crashed it.

I love logical and reasonable things. I prefer using my logic for solving problems. I can dive deep into what happened behind the screen, making me good at running small code blocks in my brain.

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What I do?

My Tech Stack

Tech Stack

JavaScript Backend: Node.js | Express.js | Sequelize | Socket.io

JavaScript Frontend: React | React Router | Redux | Redux Thunk | Socket.io Client

Python Backend: Flask | WTForms | SQLalchemy

Other Related Skills: PostgreSQL | SQLite3 | RESTful | HTML5/CSS3 | Docker | Heroku | TDD | Pair Programming